On this list we try to recopilate a very big number of purposes and wishes from which we'll desist anyway sooner or later.
For this post I want to bring you an idea about an interesting New Year purpose. Let's try this experiment: at first I need you to relax, litsen to music you like... Come on! What are you waiting for?... Ok, well that's better, are relaxed you now? Well, I go on... Now I want you to enjoy this new cocktail I'm iviting you to today, a Coffee Egg Nog, I assure you that it's the key to carrying out your purposes' list to the end.
So get comfortable, savor and enjoy...
Egg nog cocktails have got the next ingredients in common: eggs, sugar and cream or milk cream. And they are typical cocktails on this time of the year for their high caloric value.
The egg nog family is the most antique that we know, their origins are about s. XVII, the name of egg nog started about s. XIX, and it became popular on England and USA. About the origin of the word, "nog", there are many different theories, and the most compelling is that its origin lies in the word “ nugg”, hot beer that scottish and irish drank.
But let the word that concerns us, egg. Although this word has got a simple understanding and origin, this will be tricky for acceptance and assimilation. Yes, although it's difficult to see, here, in this word is te crux of the matter. A bit of egg, this is the real push to get whatever your purpose. A bit of egg and dare to face any challenge, a bit of egg to follow the slogan made popular in its day, by Ché Guevara, “ I'd rather die standing up to live on your knees”. A little, just a little of egg to face the difficulties, without hiding your head, without hiding your head, to fight for what you want, some egg to not fear the change. We are so used to our world, our everyday life, we are instinctively terrified of any proposed change, without stopping to think that, perhaps, the change would be better, we always tend to prefer our reality, no matter how crude it may be, to any possibility of improvement involving change, and this behavior only indicates a great lack of egg.
The Coffee Egg Nog is a perfect cocktail for coffee lovers, a drink to take a break and enjoy a coffee while you take a good dose of egg, which makes good lack.
The ingredients are:
1 1/2 oz. of Whisky
1 oz. of Kahlúa.
1 egg.
½ teaspoon de instant coffee.
6 oz. of milk.
1 oz. de half & half.
1 teaspoon of sugar syrup.
Its prearation is simple: pour all ingredients in a shaker with ice, shake well, serve into a old fashioned or collins glass and garnish by sprinkling a pinch of cinnamon.
And with this Coffee Egg Nog, I invite you to think about your resolutions for the new year. I prompt you to change your mind and go back to change, because nothing is permanent.I prompt you to make mistakes and go back to correct, because this is the only way of succeeding: trying and trying again. It's time to board the wrong train, often falling in love...
My recommendation for this coming year is do all the mistakes you can, it's the only way you have to know what you want... This is the only way that you will have to evolve.